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Do I must pay the quoted fees upfront?Generally yes, due to unique characteristics of the service provided we must require all payments upfront. However keep in mind, in addition to high level of programming skills, we also provide excellent long term support, free bug fixing and a reasonable refund policy. The percentage of our projects that has any disputes is extremely low. You are in good hands.
Is there any situation that I don’t have to pay the full amount upfront?If your very first project receiving a quote that exceeding $800 USD and you feel uncomfortable of committing such amount to someone you have not work with previously, we understand the situation and will offer a more flexible payment schedule to ease your concerns. A down payment of 50% to start the project and when I finish programming, we will send you demonstration videos of your project to show how your program works, this should demonstrate that we have the ability required. Should you decide to accept the work, the remaining 50% payment needs to be made in order to receive the testing program. You can also choose to not to accept the work, in this unlikely event the down payment will not be refunded and the program will not be delivered. Please keep in mind, if we accept any project, we have complete confidence we have the ability to fulfill our obligations. This unique policy is for the purpose of encouraging first time clients, under no condition that we will start a project when in doubt.
What payment method is available?Some or all of the payment methods can suit you: Paypal (with or without Paypal account, USD or CAD) Email Money Transfer (CAD) Local bank direct transfer (EUR, GBP, USD, AUD)
What do I need to know about Paypal payment?Most clients choose to pay with Paypal due to the speed and flexibility, this is recommended payment method for new clients. Please know that with Paypal we accept USD or CAD payment and 3% transaction fee will be automatically added to the cost. Paypal actual transaction fee is around 4% charged on our side.
What do I need to know about Email Money Transfer?This payment method is available for Canadian clients with bank accounts with a Canadian financial institution. We strongly recommend Canadian clients to use this method to avoid any unnecessary transaction costs.
What do I need to know about local bank direct transfer?This payment method is available for long term clients, payment available for EUR, GBP, USD or AUD. Besides Canadian clients, majority of our clients using the 4 major currency above as their local currency. If using Paypal, clients needs to pay around 4% above spot conversion rate to convert their local currency into USD first, then pay extra 3% transaction fee, so a total of 7% extra is paid for each transaction. Some might say it’s just the way it is and we must accept however we want to do better. With an effort of avoid such cost, clients can set our local bank account as one of the local bank transfer payee and pay local currency directly. If you consider that in the future you will make repeated payments and would like to pay with local bank transfer please contact us via email. For bank information page please click here. Please know that each time we convert the quote into other currency we use live rate without markup, and we expect clients to make payments within 2 business days (with exception of USD payments).
How long do you support my project?Technically there is no time limit on how long we will support each project, unless MetaTrader makes a major updates and previous codes needs to be written completely. In the case that the codes we have delivered has a problem, clients can come back at any time and receive free fixing. In practice, in order to be efficient, we strongly suggest clients actively test systems immediately following delivery for a few months and communicate with us when you have any issue or in need of making modifications.
Can you explain your refund policy?We operate with very high standards and proud of the fact that rarely we have disagreements with clients and found ourselves in a situation that we could not find a solution to satisfy the needs of clients. Having said that, if we can not program what agreed previously due to misunderstanding of the rules or any other reason, we will promptly issue a refund, either partially or in full, after consulting clients. Any claim of refunds must be made before any of the following condition becomes true: 1. Client have already requested and received the source code of the particular transaction in question.​ 2. Client have paid for further modifications of the same project following the particular transaction in question. For example, if you code an EA initially, we expect you to test the initial version thoroughly enough to know it’s working as expected or at least be confident that EA does not have such problems that we are unable to fix. Only after that you should require new modifications to be made for the same project. Once you pay for new modification, please do not make argument for refunds of previous milestones of the same project. Please keep in mind we will still be supporting the previous milestones. 3. Work related to the particular transaction in question was delivered more than 6 months ago.
Who can leave a testimonio?Please be our custom programming client and have made payments for custom programming before leaving a testimonio.
Do I must leave a testimonio?Please know that leaving a testimonio is completely voluntary and we are by no means pushy. The purpose of testimonio is to try to improve our service and give new potential clients reference. If you choose not to leave one, there will be no negative effect on how we will treat you and your project. We do appreciate immensely if you take time and leave a testimonio for us.
What information should I include in my testimonio?The most important thing is to be honest when writing the testimonio. Please include your real first and last name, city and country. Please know that email address won’t be posted as part of your testimonio, it’s just helping us to identify if you are a real paid client. Text Only Testimonio: Ideally our client like to see a real picture of yourself included. :-) Video Only Testimonio: While recognizing leaving video testimonio is not for everyone, we do find a video testimonio is very personal and attracting viewers attention effectively. For any client who take the time to record a video testimonio, we will give that client a free small modification worth $30-$50 USD, as a small gesture to show our deep appreciation for your time and loyalty. Audio Only Testimonio: Alternatively you can leave an audio testimonio for us. We love audio testimonios, while protecting your privacy, potential clients can hear directly from you, it's fantstic way of telling how you feel about out service. The app we are using do not allow you to upload an audio directly, so you can record your audio and send to us, we will convert it for you, or you can use the image below as a background and record your voice to make it a video. We will give audio testimonio same credit as video. Click to enlarge Same credit for clients who share their testimonio on social platforms or Forex forums. We encourage you to mention our service in Forex forums and share with us the links.
What if I feel my experience is negative?If that is the case we are more eager to hear from you. If you have any concerns or if you feel something needs to be improved about our service please let us know as soon as possible. Criticism can be hash to hear at first however it’s what make us better.
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